Primas Home
Care Limited

Supporting Independent Living at Home.

Welcome To Primas Home Care

Primas Home Care provides home care and support so you or your loved ones can live as independently as possible in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Our experienced team will carefully choose fully qualified carers and customise the right support package from our range of professional and flexible Home Care services.

Our Care Givers want more than a job. They want to make a difference in the lives of those in their care. To ensure only the best Care Givers join us, we have a rigorous selection process in place that includes personal interviews, competency testing, psychometric testing, reference checks and background clearance. We also ask ourselves a simple question – would I trust the Care Giver to look after my own mother in her home? We only recruit if the answer is a definite ‘YES’.
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Why Choose Us

Safe & Comfortable Home Care

Putting you first is at the core of everything we do and it is what makes Primas Home Care different from the other providers.

Always High Standards

We look after you. Your safety is very important to us. We will protect you from harm by making sure our care workers are fully trained to carry out their role safely.

Quality Assurance

We employ caring, capable and compassionate staff. We spend a lot of time carefully selecting our carers and only recruit and train the very best people,

We welcome feedback and we listen

Primas Home care welcomes feedback – compliments, comments and complaints are encouraged because this helps us to monitor and improve our services.  You can talk to us about any aspect of your service whenever you want. We are fully compliant with our regulatory body and you will have all the contact information required in order to contact us and give us your feedback.  When we start working with you everything will be clearly explained and we will be in regular contact to discuss anything you wish.

Quality, Professional Care Services

Please contact us to see how we can help you or your loved one today.

Work for us

Learn about how you can work for us. 

CQC logo
CQC regulates Primas Home Care LIMITED to provide care at PRIMAS HOME CARE
We haven’t inspected this service yet
We checked this service was likely to be safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led during registration.
We checked this service was likely to be safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led during registration.
CQC logo
CQC regulates Primas Home Care LIMITED to provide care at PRIMAS HOME CARE
We haven’t inspected this service yet
We checked this service was likely to be safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led during registration.
We checked this service was likely to be safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led during registration.